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A number of scheduled flights appear to either be cancelled or delayed due to the virus and no doubt difficulties in obtaining clearance for flights will cause further problems. We would like to offer our forces best wishes through the difficult times ahead.-Ed
With the arrival this afternoon of G-VYGM, all four (GJ, GK, GL & GM) of AirTanker's lease aircraft are currently at Brize.
Departed 10:16 ZZ337 A330 RRR2242 Royal Air Force
Departed 10:58 ZM417 A400 RRR4980 Royal Air Force
Departed 11:10 ZM416 A400 ASCOT463 Royal Air Force
Departed 15:15 ZM403 A400 RRR4982 Royal Air Force Medivac
Departed 16:15 ZZ171 C17A RRR6628 Royal Air Force
Landed 08:34 G-VYGJ A330 TOW2233 AirTanker Ltd *
Landed 12:58 ZM416 A400 ASCOT463 Royal Air Force
Landed 13:06 G-VYGM A330 EXS61J AirTanker / Jet2 From MAN
Landed 16:10 ZZ333 A330 RRR2301 Royal Air Force
Landed 17:55 ZZ337 A330 RRR2243 Royal Air Force
Landed 18:** ZM417 A400 RRR4981 Royal Air Force
Landed 21:48 ZZ172 C17A RRR6605 Royal Air Force
Landed 23:28 ZM403 A400 RRR4982 Royal Air Force
* Flight only went as far as SID as RRR2232 last night and returned this morning.
CS-DOF CL65 Private