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Departed 08:27 ZZ337 A330 RRR2300 Royal Air Force
Departed 14:01 ZM416 A400 RRR4028 Royal Air Force
Departed 14:46 ZM419 A400 RRR4084 Royal Air Force
Departed 16:55 ZZ334 A330 RRR2718 Royal Air Force
Landed 05:04 130612 C130 CFC4203 Royal Canadian A.F. 8 Wing *
Landed 07:03 G-VYGM A330 TOW2233 AirTanker Ltd
Arrived 19:45 ZM416 A400 RRR4029 Royal Air Force **
Landed 19:54 ZM416 A400 RRR4029 Royal Air Force
Landed 20:14 ZM413 A400 RRR4945 Royal Air Force
* No previous recorded visit (2014 to date).
** Appears to have done one approach into KEF and returned without landing.
130612 C130 RCAF (Arr from YQX, Gander)
Noted flying a north/south mapping pattern at fl80 between Brize and Oxford to the north and the M4 to the south from 21.30 to past midnight was Cessna F406 G-LEAF c/s REV6AF.