Departed 07:47 ZM415 A400 RRR4012 Royal Air Force
Departed 12:18 ZZ333 A330 RRR2300 Royal Air Force
Departed 15:07 ZZ177 C17A RRR6600 Royal Air Force
Landed 07:32 G-VYGM A330 TOW2233 AirTanker Ltd
Landed 13:20 ZM415 A400 RRR4012 Royal Air Force *
* Aircraft developed a problem and rtb.
FOOTNOTE - Yesterday ZM414 dep BZZ as Ascot451/RRR4514 but developed a problem over the Bristol Channel necessitating it to return to BZZ. Due to the nature of the emergency and other circumstances, it diverted and made a safe emergency landing at RAF Mildenhall. It departed there at 09:35 this morning as RRR4514 and after overflying Brize appears to be following its original flight path to the SW.