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Departed 01:14 G-VYGJ A330 TOW2230 AirTanker Ltd
Departed 08:59 ZZ172 C17A RRR4523 Royal Air Force *
Departed 11:41 ZM407 A400 RRR4514 Royal Air Force
Departed 11:45 OO-LUM FA7X BAF85 Belgian Air Force
* Departed using yesterdays flight c/s. Changed mid flight to RRR6688.
Landed 10:36 OO-LUM FA7X BAF85 Belgian Air Force
Landed 11:29 ZM412 A400 RRR4011 Royal Air Force
O/Shoot 11:5* ZJ197 AH64 NEMESIS1 Army Air Corps *
O/Shoot 12:25 ZJ199 AH64 NEMESIS2 Army Air Corps
O/Shoot 13:04 ZJ*** AH64 ? ? ? Army Air Corps
O/Shoot 13:36 ZJ187 AH64 PROWLER1 Army Air Corps
O/Shoot 13:38 ZJ230 AH64 PROWLER2 Army Air Corps
Landed 14:43 KAF328 C130 KAF3202 Kuwait Air Force **
Landed 16:59 ZZ176 C17A RRR6705 Royal Air Force
Landed 18:42 ZZ172 C17A RRR6689 Royal Air Force
Landed 19:54 ZZ343 A330 RRR2307 Royal Air Force
* Serials are as shown on ADS. The unidentified one was visually confirmed but did not show on any of the sites.
** Last recorded visit was September 2019.
KAF328 C130 KAF.